Discharge in men is a mucous fluid that forms in the foreskin from the urethra. Often such a physiological phenomenon becomes a reason for serious experiences, but not all discharge is related to the inflammatory process in the body. Some of them appear as a result of natural processes, which indicates a normal state of health.
Natural causes of urethral discharge in men:
- Remains of urine. Mostly light yellow, sometimes saturated color. Discharge without odor and without cheesy formations;
- The secret of the prostate gland. Has a semen odor. It is characterized by a mucous consistency of a light white hue;
- Ejaculate. This fluid is formed as a result of mixing spermine with the secretions of the glands of the genitourinary system, namely:
- urethral;
- prostatic;
- bulbourethral.
As a result, a viscous mucus of a grayish tint is released;
- Smegma. It is visually determined by its rich white color, however, in certain cases, the liquid has yellow or light green impurities.
The allocation of smegma is carried out systematically. It is a kind of grease consisting of bacterial and fatty residue. Localized in the foreskin and in the coronal sulcus. The main function of this lubricant is to reduce friction between the foreskin and the head. The abundance of these secretions is primarily due to the age of puberty. In the future, the activity of the preputial glands loses its intensity and stops altogether by adulthood.
It is important to understand that adherence to personal hygiene standards is a must, since smegma tends to accumulate on the surface of the head under the foreskin. If it is not washed off in time, the oxidation of fats and the breakdown of the protein part will begin. This leads to unpleasant odors and rotting. Visually looks like cottage cheese.
Perhaps the development of phimosis - a disease in which it is not possible to fully separate the head from the foreskin. Without timely treatment, this can lead to chronic inflammatory processes and the development of oncological diseases of the genital organ.
In addition to the above, physiological male secretions can also include:
- urethrorrhea;
- prostatorrhea;
- emission.

Prostatorrhea - mucus with grayish impurities. Contains an insignificant amount of sperm. Formed from the prostate gland. Depending on its transparency, the condition of the prostate is determined. Due to the insignificant volume, these secretions are practically invisible. As a rule, they are formed as a result of muscle tension associated with urination or constipation. An increased level of such fluid is one of the symptoms of prostatitis, which requires immediate treatment.
Pollution is voluntary ejaculation that has nothing to do with intercourse. The reasons for this phenomenon are the excess testosterone content. The age of a man and the frequency of sexual intercourse are also not the least important. In men, discharge can be during periods of abstinence - this is emission. It can occur during sleep. At the same time, in the morning, you can find white stains on your panties.
Pathological discharge in men
Discharge from the urethra of a pathological nature is primarily associated with:
- possible sexually transmitted diseases;
- malignant formations;
- mechanical injuries of a different nature (previous operations, other therapeutic interventions, injuries);
- inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.
The most common criteria that determine the pathological nature of the discharge:
- Modest to overly abundant volume;
- Mostly cloudy with an admixture of yellow or green;
- Typically contain lumps of mucus, pus, or blood;
- Thick and sticky, or, on the contrary, too liquid, watery;
- Have a pungent fermented milk or fishy odor;
- Discharge appears after urination, sexual arousal, or after drinking alcohol;
- Tied to a specific time of day. They can be both one-time and periodic).
It is important to understand that it is impossible to independently determine the diagnosis by the nature of the discharge. This requires an appropriate, professional examination. The nature of the secreted fluid largely depends on the immune system and directly on the nature of the causative agent of the disease. In addition, the form of the inflammatory process (acute or chronic) plays a special role.
Discharge with an unpleasant odor in sexually transmitted diseases is usually divided into:
- Mucous discharge. Indicate the presence of chlamydia or urethritis (mycoplasma or ureaplasma). They are characterized by a meager volume of secreted fluid. There are colorless with a viscous consistency. By means of microscopic diagnostics, leukocytes are detected (the norm is 4 cells);
- Mucous - purulent. These secretions also indicate chlamydia, as well as ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. With chlamydia, they are localized in the form of a kind of adhesion on the head of the penis of a light white shade, transparent discharge from the urethra in men is possible;
- Purulent. Male discharge is greenish or yellow. They are characteristic of gonorrhea. They have a pungent smell of rot. Microscopic examination shows that the fluid contains epithelial cells secreted from the urethra. In addition, there is a significantly increased level of leukocytes. Concomitant symptoms are severe cramps and burning during intercourse and during urination (mainly in the morning). Itching is also possible.
Inflammatory processes of a non-venereal nature
The causes of inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system in the overwhelming majority of cases lie in their own conditionally pathogenic microflora. These are microorganisms, the activity of which is activated as a result of the weakening of the protective properties of the body as a result of recent illnesses or against the background of intense psychoemotional stress. These microorganisms include:
- Candida fungi;
- streptococci and staphylococci;
- Escherichia coli.

They live on mucous membranes and on the surface of the skin. Their active reproduction is impeded by the immune system. The factors weakening it, leading to an uncontrolled population of harmful microorganisms, in addition to those previously listed, include:
- hypothermia;
- negative effects of chemotherapy;
- radiation exposure (radiation sickness);
- a long course of taking broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Uncontrolled reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora can cause the development of diseases such as:
- Candidiasis or thrush. Infectious disease of the urethra caused by the fungus Candida. For this ailment, characteristic signs are itching and cramps during urination and ejaculation. It is visually determined by means of a curdled sour-milk smell. In some cases, dull pain in the lumbar region and groin is possible. Candidiasis develops mainly as a result of radiation exposure, excess antibiotics, or as one of the side effects of chemotherapy treatments. Poor hormonal levels also contribute to the development of this disease. Cases of sexual infection with thrush are rare. If curd discharge appears, it is necessary to consult an andrologist;
- Non-rheumatic urethritis. Disease affecting the bladder. It is characterized by unfulfilling urge to urinate frequently. Pain in the urethra is not as intense as with venereal urethritis. A slimy fluid appears after or during urination. In the early stages of the development of the disease, it is characterized by purulent impurities in the form of lumps. The discharge is moderate. Without the necessary and timely treatment, the infection affects the ureter and kidneys, as a result of which pronounced blood impurities appear in the discharge;
- Urethral gardnerellosis. With this disease, discharge from the urethra in men is not significant. They are characterized by a pungent fishy smell. The color is predominantly light yellow, but a greenish tint is also possible. In some sources, this disease is interpreted as exclusively venereal, but infection of the male body with gardnerella is impossible! In fact, the reasons for the development of this disease mainly lie in the banal dysbiosis, which developed during the violation of the body's immune properties due to the previously listed factors. It is quite easy to treat with timely referral for qualified help. The therapy includes medications to stimulate immune cells, as well as an abundant amount of lactic acid bacteria aimed at correcting microflora;
- Prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate gland. In the early stages, it is characterized by abundant discharge of a grayish tint. In the absence of the correct therapeutic intervention, the disease develops into a chronic form and is much more difficult to treat. In this case, the volume of fluid released from the urethra is almost invisible, and the color becomes white. The main symptom of prostatitis is heaviness during urination and a weak erection. Neglected cases can threaten the development of anuria (lack of urine discharge) and impotence;
- Balanoposthitis. It is an inflammation of the foreskin, accompanied by its edema. As a rule, this disease is characterized by abundant purulent discharge in men with lumps of mucus. In addition, reddening of the prepuce leaves and painful sensations of the head of the penis are observed.
Pathological discharge from the urethra in men is not always associated with inflammatory processes. Often this can be associated with dysfunctions of the central nervous or musculoskeletal systems (trauma, constant stress, congenital or acquired diseases of the spine, etc. ). Such discharge is typical for:
- Spermatorrhea - passive ejaculation, not associated with sexual intercourse and not due to orgasm. The provoking factors are spinal injuries and regular stress. This physiological phenomenon is associated with a violation of innervation and a decreased tone of the vas deferens;
- Hematorrhea. Represents spotting. In most cases, the causes of the disease are mechanical damage to the urethra as a result of surgery or as a result of other therapeutic procedures (placement of a catheter, smear from the mucous membrane of the genital organ, etc. ). Hematorrhea is possible with urolithiasis, which is accompanied by intense pain in the lumbar region and groin. This is due to the discharge of stones. In this case, bleeding occurs during urination or immediately after it. In addition, this phenomenon is observed with inflammation of the renal glomeruli, which is accompanied by edema and increased blood pressure. There is also an increased level of protein in the urine.
- Prostatorrhea. Transparent discharge in men, which is the secret of the prostate, which indicates a chronic form of prostatitis, or a prostate adenoma.
It is important to understand that at the first detection of suspicious discharge from the urethra, accompanied by cuts, burning or itching, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications!
Diagnosis of the disease with pathological discharge from the penis
The examination procedure consists of several diagnostic procedures:
- Initial examination by a specialist of the genital organ, namely the foreskin, head and perineum. The main task is to identify possible organ deformation, rash, discharge, inflammatory signs;
- Feeling of the lymph nodes in the groin area and assessment of their condition. They may be:
- increased or within normal limits;
- hotter or colder than nearby tissues;
- movable or not;
- hard or soft;
- whether the patient has painful sensations on palpation or not.

In addition, the inguinal lymph nodes are examined for ulceration;
- Finger diagnostics of the prostate gland. This study is through the rectum. In this case, fluid can be released from the urethra, which is necessary for microscopy. The adenoma is characterized by uniformly enlarged lobes of the prostate gland and felt dense cords. Irregular growths indicate the development of a malignant tumor. Discharge from the urethra during massage of blood with clots is a confirmatory factor. For the reliability of the study, it is recommended to refrain from urinating 1. 5 - 2 hours before the procedure;
- Complete blood count and extended urinalysis. Should give up on an empty stomach;
- Material examination (smears for microscopic examination and culture). A procedure that minimizes the risk of misidentifying a disease. Differs in special accuracy. A stained smear under a microscope reveals all the contents:
- bloody bodies;
- the presence of epithelium;
- fatty components;
- non-venereal pathogens belonging to conditionally pathogenic microflora.
- Ultrasound examination and computed tomography of the organs of the genitourinary system. As a rule, it serves to confirm or refute an existing diagnosis.

The final diagnosis is possible only if there are ready-made results of a histological examination.
There are a number of preventive recommendations. First of all, you should monitor your personal intimate hygiene. Neglect can lead to the development of many dangerous diseases. It is necessary to wash the glans of the penis daily using laundry soap, removing accumulated smegma from the surface. The procedure should be performed twice a day (morning and evening). In order to avoid infection with sexually transmitted diseases, contraception should be used during sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner. In addition, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination at least once a year, which will help to identify and eliminate possible health problems in a timely manner.
Discharge from the genitals of men and women is the norm, but sometimes it can talk about diseases. Often, pathological discharge becomes a harbinger of sexually transmitted infections.
Discharge in men when excited is a natural physiological reaction of the body
Smegma is a physiological discharge from the glands located on the head of the penis. Their number is small. They are removed subject to hygiene and do not bring discomfort. In the absence of hygiene or non-compliance with the rules, smegma accumulates under the foreskin and can lead to inflammatory diseases such as balanoposthitis.
Sperm is secreted in the process of ejaculation, it contains a sexual secret and sperm.
Ejaculation is involuntary ejaculation, usually during sleep, that occurs during puberty or in men who abstain for a long time.
If a man notices that the amount of these secretions and their nature have changed, he should consult a doctor. Pathological discharge in men can be cloudy, gray, yellow, thick, cheesy. Their appearance is accompanied by a burning sensation, pain and discomfort in the urethra.
Normal indicators of male discharge
During arousal, the discharge in men is individual in volume. If a person monitors his health, then he knows his norm.

Physiologically, the amount of discharge increases with prolonged abstinence from intimacy. In this case, they become thicker and more cloudy in color. Allocation rates:
- watery and transparent;
- the smell is not expressed;
- medium density.
Food, stress, chronic diseases, bad habits can affect the change in secretions.
Intimate hygiene rules for men:
- Use neutral acid soap.
- Wash the genitals 2 times a day.
- Flush the glans by pulling back the foreskin.
- Avoid overheating of the testicles.
- Linen should be wide and made of natural fabrics.
Female discharge
Discharge in women during arousal is colloquially called lubrication. It has the appearance of a clear, odorless liquid. Fluid is secreted by the epithelial glands of the vagina. And also it includes leukocyte cells and microorganisms, which are representatives of the normal microflora of the vagina.
Vaginal secretions are also secreted in the normal state, its amount is up to 5 ml per day. When excited, the amount increases due to the blood supply to the gonads. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the body, some girls have more of it, others have less.

Discharge during arousal is a completely normal physiological phenomenon in females.
Thanks to the presence of lubrication, a comfortable penetration of the penis into the vagina is ensured. During ovulation, the composition of the vaginal secretions changes to ensure conception.
Normal indicators of vaginal secretions
Female discharge rate:
- liquid, transparent;
- jelly-like during ovulation;
- a small amount that increases closer to ovulation and decreases after it;
- weak smell, without an unpleasant shade;
- do not irritate the vaginal mucosa or the skin of the external genital organs;
- not accompanied by subjective sensations.
During intercourse, the amount of mucous discharge from the vagina increases - a sign of arousal.
Hygiene rules for normalizing vaginal secretions:
- Use a special soap for intimate hygiene. The composition should include lactic acid to maintain the acid-base environment in the vagina.
- With a large amount of discharge, daily sanitary napkins are used, which are changed regularly.
- Wear linen from natural fabrics.
- It is recommended to wash yourself twice a day.
Discharge from the human body means a lot. Usually, their presence indicates a healthy state or about any pathologies, the development of diseases or infectious processes. In some cases, the discharge itself should be absent, for example, with a runny nose, it is obvious that the person is sick. Likewise with discharge from the ears.
In the case of the reproductive system, everything is somewhat more complicated - from the genitals - their natural openings - fluids seep, which in some cases are the norm, but in others they will serve as one of the symptoms of the disease. And sometimes discharge from the penis is the only symptom of a developing serious illness.
Physiological discharge on excitement
Libidous urethrorrhea is a secret secreted by the sex glands. When excited, it appears in all men. The amount of secretion is small, it can be formed during intercourse. In some cases, the secret is highlighted in large volume.
Norm or deviation?
How to determine if a normal amount of secretion is released during arousal? The physiology of all men may differ, and there are no norms for the volume of the secret. However, if a person noticed that for no reason the volume of fluid increased, it changed its consistency, smell and color, this is a signal of the presence of infection, inflammation, problems with the genitals, and so on.
There may be exceptions to this situation. So, if a man has not had intercourse for a long time, the secret increases in volume. It may be slightly thicker, more cloudy, but there should be no yellow tint, blood streaks and other changes. The maximum is a little turbidity.
A normal secret should have the following characteristics:
- lack of unpleasant odor;
- transparent color;
- the consistency of medium density.
Factors that can affect the characteristics of the secret:
- diseases;
- dietary habits (consumed products);
- abstinence from sexual activity;
- stress and improper lifestyle, weakening of the immune system.
In some cases, the secretion of a secret upon excitement provokes an act of defecation. From the physiological point of view, this process is normal, although its formation should be rare.
It is important to remember that the secret secreted when excited from the urethral canal of the penis contains sperm. With their poor quality or with inflammation of the prostate gland, the sperm changes in color. In this case, when excited, the liquid may not be released as usual.
Discharge during inflammation
If a man does not have sexually transmitted diseases, we are talking about an inflammatory process, more precisely, its possible presence in the body.
The causative agents can be as follows:
- streptococcus;
- candida;
- colibacillus;
- staphylococcus aureus.
Inflammatory process in the urethra - the channel that allows fluids to pass. In this case, the nature of the selection may be as follows:
- the presence of mucus;
- the presence of pus;
- stickiness;
- turbidity.

Treatment can be prescribed by the attending physician.
Depending on the established disease, appropriate drugs are prescribed. These are usually antibiotics, which are also different.
Some antibiotics fight sexually transmitted infections, others are aimed at suppressing the pathogenic environment - candida and other fungal microorganisms.
Also, in the treatment of diseases, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes, concomitant drugs and dietary supplements are prescribed, depending on the state of health and concomitant diseases.
Discharge from the penis, more precisely, from the urethral canal when excited, can have certain consequences if ignored.
What you need to know about discharge when aroused:
- The normal state of the fluid secreted from the glans penis is transparent, white, without an unpleasant odor, pus, blood.
- Disorders in the discharge can talk about the development of inflammatory processes associated with sexually transmitted infections, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
- The features of the symptoms may depend on the duration of the development of the disease, its characteristics, and the man's immunity.
In some cases, a change in discharge is normal if there are objective reasons for this - a change in diet, concomitant diseases, abstinence from sexual activity.